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How Uber mobile app idea can work for consultants?

Mobile application development Dubai

How uber mobile app idea can work for consultants?


Mobile app development Dubai has been shaken up with the advent of applications that have made lives easier. One such example is Uber, the transportation app that we are all very familiar with. Uber has not only made its place as a convenience point but is now a part of people’s daily lives. Not only has uber made people’s lives easy but it has also provided many with the opportunity to carry out their business within the transportation industry.

Many consultants are now dealing with problems within their industry due to slower mobile app development Dubai. Like other verticals are booming with developments and advancements are constantly being made in terms of app development, there is no such functionality in the consultancy industry. So here at A2solutions apps, our professional team of developers has listed down a few reasons why a similar mobile app idea can work for consultants:

  1. The idea can be extended to include geographical systems where nearby consultants can be identified:

This will enable better mobile app development Dubai and will also lead to more accessibility. In addition to this, users will be able to search for the type of consultancy they are looking for and locate ones that are most suitable to them and their needs. This option will also enable users of the application to save this information and track routes and also book a ride to the consultant on the same application. This can also locate and put discrete consultants on the map and boost their businesses rapidly.


  1. Add filters:

Your app idea for mobile app development Dubai can include filters based on different factors. This can include location, type of consultant, fee bracket, time available and ride options. This will enable your users to easily access the different types of consultants and save in their information to use it later. Furthermore, the concept of booking rides within the same app will enable them to do all their tasks using the same application, based on the time slot available for appointments and matching this to a ride available in the same time slot.


  1. Book appointments beforehand:

This is another feature for efficient mobile app development Dubai that can enable more ease for your users as this will enable them to fix an appointment using your application. They can directly view the information available for consultants and book an appointment in the given time slots. This will allow them to schedule their time and the application can also provide reminders in order to make sure that no slot goes free. This is also beneficial for the registered consultants, no matter what vertical they belong to as they will be able to save time and costs of real life missed appointments.


So, now that you have a great app idea for consultancy, what’s the wait for? A2solutions apps has you covered in the best way possible. So, contact us and visit our website for more details!




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