Heavy School Bags vs. implementing IT in Education
There are many times children find it difficult to carry heavy back bags daily, this causes strain on shoulders, neck and also their backs which is why students try to find ways to keep their bags as light as they possibly can. Technology has been implanted in every way in today’s world, people use laptops, desktops and other devices to reach online stores, pages, communicate through social media and purchase e-books or movies. Find out more information on A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai. Studies have shown that around 96% of the students who carry school bags have to carry these bags which weigh 20% more than their own body weight. Learn more on A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.
Medical specialists have suggested that school bags should not hang down children’s back which may impact their posture and cause long term damage in their life. People are trying to find more ways to minimize the things they need to carry and convert them into online solutions. A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai will help you find more ways to make use of the technology that is growing each day. These solutions can be implemented by children and by adults to make life easier. Mobile app development Dubai can help you build apps for this business.
E-books have become very normal in our age since the use of technology has become dominant. E-books are simply books that can be downloaded, purchased and read on devices such as tablets, mobile phones and laptops. The ability to download 100 of books and carry them all in one place is extremely favored by people since it saves space and does not burden them to move around. Convenience is what matters most to people these days. You can learn more on the transition to online means through A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.
Online Classes
IT has a major part of our life ever since the pandemic took place. Online classes have already made people transition from using heavy bags to using online material to study and take classes on platforms that provide virtual meetings. People rely on their devices more than ever since it holds all their work for their education. Students might not even use physical notepads anymore and make notes on virtual notepads to save paper and keep their notes and course material at one place. A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai can help you find out ways to build a platform to provide online courses in the time on Pandemic.
Here are some major advantages that IT has helped us gain in comparison to bags. You can research more on A2 Solutions, mobile app development Dubai.
- Using less paper is environment friendly since contributes to saving paper and trees that would be good for our ecology
- Saves space for you to only keep the material you want to which you can delete when you don’t need it
- Easy to carry and convenient to use
- Cost effective as buying books online might be cheaper than buying hardcopy books
- Sharing books or files is easier on devices than physically sharing
- Reduces storage space
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